L37 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L37 0 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L37 0 Postcodes (Active). L37 0 postcode sector comprises of 12 active postcodes. L37 0 sector has a population of 179, and it has 63 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L37 0 postcode sector

L37 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 179
Addresses / Property Count 63
Active Postcodes 12
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L37 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-12 of 12 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L37 0AA 53.56247700 -3.04279300 N/A N/A 331027 407824
L37 0AB 53.58130500 -3.04131100 6 19 331156 409917
L37 0AD 53.58224700 -3.04438200 N/A N/A 330954 410025
L37 0AE 53.56324600 -3.04452100 12 30 330914 407911
L37 0AF 53.56266300 -3.04420200 14 32 330934 407846
L37 0AH 53.58210400 -3.02984800 13 49 331916 409995
L37 0AL 53.57243500 -3.03683100 2 4 331438 408926
L37 0AN 53.57260800 -3.04683300 4 10 330776 408955
L37 0AP 53.56956000 -3.04306100 5 14 331021 408612
L37 0AQ 53.57202200 -3.03676100 2 7 331442 408880
L37 0AR 53.57261100 -3.04752800 N/A N/A 330730 408956
L37 0AW 53.57202000 -3.04546200 5 14 330866 408888
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